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Has Vine grown on your business yet?

I’m interested to hear whether this app has crept into your marketing.  Like most of its early adopters I’m still playing around with Vine, getting to grips with how it is best applied in the general marketing mix, helping clients understand how to make use of it.  It’s certainly great for demonstrating processes, or providing a quick overview of an event or body of work – such as our compilation of the weekly Twitter column we produce for the Somerset Standard.

Go on, give it a try – there’s no need to publish your short film if your first attempts don’t quite work out. Just hit the X in the top right corner of the screen and start again.

Still need some convincing about Vine?  Take a look at this compelling argument from fellow PR professional Ryan Sommer, posted on econsultancy.com

I think the key point he makes in this blog post is about personality – something so many large brands and businesses struggle with.  Social media marketing needs injection of personality to be effective and Vine provides a creative platform for those who perhaps otherwise struggle using words alone.

I’m a little surprised that Econsultancy hasn’t yet included Vine on its homepage line up of social icon – something we’ll be doing with our new website launch for Avalanche PR. Watch this space!